Organizing excellent open source projects in go language

 2 minutes to read

One. Web framework


Project address: star 54.6k

gin is a web framework developed in Go language that provides a Martini-like API, But the performance is better. Because with httprouter, the performance is improved by as much as 40 times.


Project address: star 27.5k

beego is an application framework developed in Go. The idea comes from tornado, and the routing design comes from sinatra.


Project address: star 16.7k

fasthttp is Go’s fast HTTP implementation, currently used very successfully in 1M concurrent production environments, and can make 100K qps continuous connections from a single server. HTTP server performance compared to net/http, fasthttp is 10 times faster than net/http

Two. Network tools

  1. traefik

Project address: star 36.4k

traefik is a new http reverse proxy and load balancing software that can easily deploy microservices. It supports multiple backends (Docker, Swarm, Mesos/Marathon, Consul, Etcd, Zookeeper, BoltDB, Rest API, file.. .) , the configuration can be automatically and dynamically managed.

  1. ngrok

Project address: star 21.2k

ngrok is a reverse proxy that establishes a secure channel between a public endpoint and a locally running web server. ngrok captures and analyzes traffic on all channels for later analysis and replay.

Three. Crawler framework

  1. colly

Project address: star 15.7k

colly is a web crawler framework written in Go, which aims to provide a concise template that can write any crawler/collector/spider. With colly, you can easily extract structured data from your website for data mining, processing or archiving.

Four. Blockchain technology

  1. fabric

Project address: star 13k

Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade authorized distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design meets a wide range of industrial use cases. It provides a unique approach to consensus, enabling performance at scale while maintaining privacy.

Five. Storage technology

  1. ipfs

Project address: star 12.7k

IPFS is a distributed file system that seeks to connect all computer devices to the same file system. In some ways this is very similar to the original web target, but IPFS will end up being more like the git objects exchanged by a single bitstream swarm. IPFS = InterPlanetary File System

  1. minio

Project address: star 31k